
Rashod Bateman plays football / Facebook Trophy Emoji / Favorite Season: Hockey!

I finally managed to get a staff member to answer the phone at Moxie’s when I called again at 3 PM. Yes, I could do a guaranteed patio reservation for my 2022 birthday dinner with friends on Saturday, September 24 at 6:30 PM. Of course I sent an email to Kevin, Eric M., Christon, Nathan, and Randal later while sending a text message to Erica to update her. Randal emailed me to give a YES RSVP, and I’ll call Chrystal at work tomorrow to extend a courtesy invite. Talked to Phil about Maple Leafs Poutine for $67, hahaha. HOCKEY!

From TSN: Rashod Bateman plays football?! SO GHETTO!

Facebook Trophy Emoji for HOCKEY!

From Hockey Unplugged: Everyone has a favorite season. This is mine: HOCKEY SEASON DURING THE STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS! 😀

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