
All of Shadow’s and Relm’s dreams in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE, plus differences!

Since I was up at 8 AM, it was COFFEE TIME BY DEFAULT!

Shadow’s first dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Clyde is alone.

Shadow’s first dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Enter Baram, Clyde Arrowny’s accomplice.

Shadow’s first dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Baram speaks! “Clyde… how could you? I was your partner… You should be here with me…”

Shadow’s first dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Baram says, “Join me, Clyde…”

Shadow’s second dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Baram and Clyde are walking away from the scene of another train robbery.

Shadow’s second dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Clyde says, “Yahoooo! We did it, Clyde!”

Shadow’s second dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Clyde says, “A million gil! What a blast! This is the life!”

Shadow’s second dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Baram says, “Guess it’s time we start thinking of a name, huh?”

Shadow’s second dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Clyde asks, “A name?”

Shadow’s second dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Baram answers, “All good bandit duos need a name! I, uh… I sort of have one in mind…”

Shadow’s second dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Clyde says, “Well? Let’s hear it!”

Shadow’s second dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Baram says, “… The Shadow Bandits! What do you think? Not bad, eh?”

Shadow’s second dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Clyde muses, “The Shadow Bandits, great train robbers of the century…”

Shadow’s third dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Clyde tells Baram, “Open your eyes!”

Shadow’s third dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Baram says, “How bad is it? … This isn’t m-my blood… is it, Clyde?”

Shadow’s third dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Clyde tells Baram, “Don’t worry! You’re gonna be okay!”

Shadow’s third dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Baram says, “I’m sorry… I… I let my guard down…”

Shadow’s third dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Clyde tells Baram, “Don’t talk! The town’s just a bit farther…”

Shadow’s third dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Baram says, “You don’t have to pretend. I know. This is… my blood, isn’t it? I’m done for…”

Shadow’s third dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Baram says, “Get going! Leave me here. I’d only slow you down.”

Shadow’s third dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Clyde says, “But…!”

Shadow’s third dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Baram asks, “You wanna get caught?”

Shadow’s third dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Baram says, “But, before you go… Please, finish me off with your knife!”

Shadow’s third dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Clyde asks, “How could you ask me to do something like that…?”

Shadow’s third dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Clyde leaves Baram and says, “I’m sorry…”

Shadow’s third dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Before he dies, Baram says, “Clyde! How could you?!”

Shadow’s fourth dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Clyde Arrowny stumbles into Thamasa, badly wounded. Interceptor the dog barks at this stranger.

Shadow’s fourth dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: This woman in Thamasa says, “Hey… Hey, are you all right?”

Shadow’s fourth dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Clyde asks her, “Where… am I?”

Shadow’s fourth dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: The woman answers, “A small village called Tha… sa… Come on now, pull yourself together!” Note: This woman is probably Relm’s mother.

Shadow’s fifth dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Clyde is outside his house in Thamasa.

Shadow’s fifth dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Interceptor comes out of the house, barking at Clyde.

Shadow’s fifth dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Clyde tells Interceptor, “You came to try and stop me… I’m sorry, but I can’t turn back, boy…”

Shadow’s fifth dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Clyde tells Interceptor, “Stay here with my daughter… You both deserve to live in peace…”

Shadow’s fifth dream in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Interceptor is now alone in the village, looking at Clyde going away.

If you DON’T save Shadow on the Floating Continent, Relm can have a dream instead in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Relm, Strago, and Interceptor are in Thamasa.

If you DON’T save Shadow on the Floating Continent, Relm can have a dream instead in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Interceptor comes around to bark at Relm.

If you DON’T save Shadow on the Floating Continent, Relm can have a dream instead in FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE: Relm asks, “Daddy…? Where’d Daddy go? He’s coming back… isn’t he?” Yes, Clyde Arrowny AKA Shadow the ninja IS Relm’s father! They’re the only two characters who can equip the Memento Ring relic, too!


The most major difference between the original FINAL FANTASY VI and FINAL FANTASY VI: THE ETERNAL CRYSTALS is that there is NO fifth dream because Relm isn’t Shadow’s daughter in this one, I guess.


Baram says, “Clyde… I’m… done for…. F… find me here… Please, Clyde…”


Difference in Shadow’s second dream: Clyde says, “A million Gil! What a blast! I love this!”

Difference in Shadow’s second dream: Baram says, “Guess it’s time to change our name.”

Difference in Shadow’s second dream: Clyde asks, “Our name?” Baram says, “We need something more… appropriate.” Then Baram (TYPO! IT SHOULD BE CLYDE!) says, “Such as…?”

Difference in Shadow’s second dream: Baram says, “… SHADOW! Not bad, huh?”

Difference in Shadow’s second dream: Clyde wonders, “Great train robbers of the century… SHADOW…?”


Difference in Shadow’s third dream: Clyde says, “Open your eyes!” Baram replies, “I’m scared… *hack* *cough*… Is… is this MY blood…?” Clyde reassures him, “You’re gonna be okay!”

Difference in Shadow’s third dream: Baram says, “You don’t have to pretend. I know I’ve lost… too much blood.”

Difference in Shadow’s third dream: Baram says, “I’ve let you down… I’m sorry…” Clyde answers, “Save your strength. We’re almost to a town.”

Difference in Shadow’s third dream: Baram says, “Get going! I’m gonna slow you down.” Clyde answers, “But…!” Baram asks, “You wanna get caught?”

Difference in Shadow’s third dream: Baram says, “Before you go… You have to use your knife…”

Difference in Shadow’s third dream: Clyde exclaims, “WHAT!!!!” Baram says, “Think what they’ll do to me if I get caught.”

Difference in Shadow’s third dream: Baram says, “I don’t want to go through that. Do me this favor.”

Difference in Shadow’s third dream: Baram says, “Come on, you weakling! Grab a sword and…” Clyde exclaims, “I CAN’T!”

Difference in Shadow’s third dream: Baram says, “Are you… shaking? I can’t believe it! You’re acting like a coward!”

Difference in Shadow’s third dream: Clyde is walking away from Baram. Baram exclaims, “Clyde!!”

Difference in Shadow’s third dream: Baram says, “Clyde! How DARE you?!” after Shadow has left him alone to die.


Difference in Shadow’s fourth dream: After Shadow stumbles into Mysidia, Interceptor the dog has summoned this woman. She says, “Hey… HEY! Stay with me now!”

Difference in Shadow’s fourth dream: Clyde asks the woman, “Where… am…?”

Difference in Shadow’s fourth dream: The woman answers Clyde, “A small village called Mysi… Hang in there!”

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