
Bronchitis, sole proprietors, evil onion perogies, notes, and a Golden Chinese Dragon!

Mike and I discussed dumb Americans on Youtube, coffee, Shibes, his taking a shower, milk, my necessary “notes to self” on index cards, Eric Ho liking oven fries, (business) credit cards, the bag of rice, not taking his dad’s advice about a second credit card, and doing the dishes. Talked about his showing Mom the “Cat in the Kettle” video, the exchange rate, money, his hoping I appreciated his cleaning the stove element (his fault) and the messy non-stick pot (what do YOU think?!), stress, paying off bills next month, and his smell sensitivity. Conversed about laws, being a sole proprietor, his using my computer, hoping I don’t come down with whatever he has (bronchitis symptoms?) because it isn’t fun, my insistence on kissing him on the lips (which is why I moved to the chest), an incubation period for sickness, and his running out of time already at 2:30.

Discussed the Thin and Crispy jalapeno / habanero chips, using long-distance phone cards for calling faraway people when he got home, Wikipedia, my getting hungry after he made some cheese / onion perogies (I couldn’t tell him because I didn’t know at the time!), the laptop tools, my computer mouse, his umbrella, and our love. Then we talked about his needing to go home, BOB’S BURGERS, Chrome being a memory hog, the garlic having a long shelf life (which I verified – three to six months), UTorrent, reimbursing him later, his liking the Buffalo snow dragon picture, Facebook, Cracked articles, and taking care. I made some of my own White Cheddar with Broccoli Sidekicks after he left at 3! It’s nice having him around, but it’s also good to have my own time! There was an obvious Ziploc bag of two leftover evil cheese and onion perogies which he left in the freezer on December 10 for some reason! He says that he didn’t see an extra bag, but there were two bags in there. When I saw the Ziploc bag, it had two perogies left in there. Mike said “please don’t tell me what I saw,” but I said “don’t tell me what is in my own freezer!” I have a feeling he left those two extra cheese and onion perogies in there to screw with me somehow… GASLIGHTING, just like when he knocked on the wall between my living room and bedroom, and tried convincing me that I didn’t hear anything!

Golden Chinese Dragon!

A snow dragon in Buffalo after the recent snowstorms there!

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