
Pretzel M&Ms, Spanish peanuts, Advil, humor, and abstract eyes

I got American Eagle mail for someone named Jonalyn today. I am not a Jonalyn, and haven’t been inside that accursed store since the summer of 2008. *grumbles at her black ex Korey’s taste*

Went to London Drugs and got on-sale pretzel M&Ms (because it was suggested via the weekly tradition – I’m such a consumer whore!), on-sale Green & Black Organic Butterscotch bar (to share with Chinese Eric next week – he’s a sucker for chocolate!), a jar of Spanish peanuts as Part 2 of Chinese Eric’s birthday present, pads, and 115 Advil liquid gels which expire at a good time. It cost almost $50, but it’s not like I’m going to be buying aspirin every month! At least my emotions are back to normal. πŸ˜€

115 Advil liquid ibuprofen gels, 200 mg!

You Use Wry Humor

You’re the kind of person who can’t help but notice (and point out!) how absurd life is. You find the smallest things funny.
Your humor entertains others, but you mostly employ it to entertain yourself. You can’t stay bored or anxious for long with your outlook.

Your humor isn’t really dark or light – it’s just very smart and witty. Your humor spans the spectrum and tends to be whatever is appropriate for the moment and subject.
You don’t mind pushing boundaries and shocking people a bit with what you say. And chances are, you’re just saying what everyone else is thinking.

You would make a great writer – either fiction or nonfiction. Your observations about life would keep everyone entertained.
You have a strong voice… one that is witty, unique, and certainly funny. You should take care to make it be heard as much as possible.

Now, if only I could have explained this to Michael last week when I was laughing and snorting to myself at 3 AM…. I laugh at what’s in my head, for goodness sake. πŸ˜€ [and NOW he’s keeping me posted about what he’s doing – going to the Rush concert? – and asking about Saturday… I HAVE NO IDEA!]

You Are Eloquent

You are a person of many observations and thoughts… but of few words. You speak and write carefully.
You express yourself well, due to your own self-editing and curation. You can get your point across in a beautiful way.

You see the world from a curious and cautious point of view. You like to observe for as long as you can.
You are constantly in a loop of gathering information and processing it. You like to get as much input as possible.

The world sees you as empathetic and compassionate, which is true to a point. You do care for others quite a bit.
Your wide perspective allows you to listen and reply without outward judgment. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t coming to conclusions in your own mind.

See? Not so scary now, am I? Just observant. πŸ˜€

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