
Troy Anthony, Chantelle, YU-GI-OH white dragon card, Chinese New Year 2020 Mouse

Troy Anthony unfriended me on my XENIA alterego. Meh, I care not. Eric Ho texted me to say that he hopes he heals in time for a hangout for my birthday, and knows that “E. Whitty” (Probably white Eric even though he isn’t BLACK! Mangling the English language yet again… *rolleyes*) is happy today on his own birthday. Well, I hope so, even with the Canucks result yesterday. I told him that Jon hopes he’s okay too, and said not to rush the healing process just for the 17th. Under these circumstances, I definitely don’t mind if it’s a later hangout. I’ve had them in October, man!


From Classy in his Discord server: YU-GI-OH blue-eyes white dragon card! DRAGON: This legendary dragon is a powerful engine of destruction. Virtually invincible, very few have faced this awesome creature and lived to tell the tale. ATTACK: 3000. DEFENSE: 2500. Card number: 89631139. Copyright Kazuki Takahashi, 1996.

From Julie: Chinese New Year 2020 Year of the Rat with MOUSE, lanterns, clouds, and flowers!

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