
Indian Life masala vegetable samosas, Campbell’s Baked Potato Bacon soup, bacon

It’s International Bacon Day 2023 today! I texted white Eric a 2023 birthday wish, and he thanked me.

Vlad the apartment manager came by at 9:25 AM to check out the toilet issue since it was not flushing properly. Unlike the previous manager Hester, he was FINE with the 2000 Flushes cake in the toilet tank. He fiddled around with stuff in the toilet tank, and said to text him if it wasn’t flushing properly again.

I emailed white Eric, Christon, and Randal about my own 2023 birthday dinner – Randal emailed a prompt RSVP. Then Ten finally hit me up on Discord PM to laugh at my morning puns. We also discussed Mick Jagger, cereal and milk as soup, food trucks, family dynamics, neighbors, banter, and more. Phil told me about the Elias Petterssen signing news, which I’d already heard about. Then I asked him about his assessments, and the person said that she could help him with various accommodations and disability. Awesome! Rent will be frustrating for sure.

Indian Life masala vegetable samosas with far too much chutney sauce for World Samosa Day 2023 today on September 5!

Campbell’s Baked Potato and Bacon soup for National Bacon Day 2023 today on September 5!

A bacon Discord emote for International Bacon Day 2023 today on September 5!

A bacon Facebook emoji reaction for International Bacon Day 2023 today on September 5!

A bacon Youtube Google emoji reaction for International Bacon Day 2023 today on September 5!

Bacon and Eggs Happy-Go-Lucky Facebook sticker for International Bacon Day 2023 today on September 5!

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