
New Pork City: Viking boat and dragon head, Ferris wheel, and spinning cups (10)

Total: 10 MOTHER 3 video game screenshots!

The hot water is back on – YAY! I called the pharmacy next door at 10:20 AM to see if I could pick up my prescription today, and I could pick it up anytime – awesome! Went to pick it up at 2:10 PM and then went to London Drugs. On-sale double packs of NIVEA lip balms x2 (Soothing Care with SPF 15 / Hydro Care), Jelly Belly Pumpkin Pie jellybeans x2 (July 30, 2023), NEW Whoppers Snowballs x2 for Christmas 2022 (May 2023), plus Febreze Morning and Dew air freshener! Got home at 3:20 PM to shower and do laundry for the third time in three days at $2 for a load. Ugh…

Vanessa called to say that getting a community nurse to do my toenails at home would cost $75 every eight weeks, as it isn’t covered under MSP. Maybe I could get Dr. Ruby to refer me to a podiatrist. I just pinched my skin and my toe bled, so I needed a bandage for the afternoon. Even if Dad wanted that for Mom at Royal City Manor, it would still cost that much…

Whoppers Snowballs for Christmas 2022!

Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, and Boney go to the Argilla Pass in Chapter 7 of MOTHER 3. They meet the Old Man in the Argilla Pass Hot Springs!

Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, and Boney are forced to go to New Pork City by limousine in Chapter 8 of MOTHER 3. They relax on the big fluffy sofa in the limousine. The party sways and sticks out their tongues before getting off the couch. The game then says, “What is this feeling?!” as your party blushes in embarrassment.

Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, and Boney are forced to go to New Pork City by limousine in Chapter 8 of MOTHER 3. They check out the Beauty and Tasty Restaurant, and knock on the restroom door. Old Man: “This is a restroom. That door you’re knocking on leads to a restroom. What business do you have in a restroom?!” What business do people USUALLY have in washrooms?!

Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, and Boney are forced to go to New Pork City by limousine in Chapter 8 of MOTHER 3. The party explores the Empire Porky Building. They see the Old Man in the Empire Porky Building hot springs!

Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, and Boney are forced to go to New Pork City by limousine in Chapter 8 of MOTHER 3. The party explores the Empire Porky Building. They check out the golden yellow Porky Empire logo in the Empire Porky Building with the Mole Cricket, Brenda, and Jonel in the foreground. HUGE PIGS!

Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, and Boney are forced to go to New Pork City by limousine in Chapter 8 of MOTHER 3. They explore the Empire Porky Building. The woman receptionist at the front desk tells your party, “For some reason, I like being talked to from behind like that.” OH MY…

Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, and Boney are forced to go to New Pork City by limousine in Chapter 8 of MOTHER 3. They can see some of the city while talking to Lisa, Nichol, and Richie. Then the party checks out the Viking boat or longship in the amusement park area. The Viking boat or longship made me think of Teunis! Porky Viking Ship: Watch out for falling heart attacks!

Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, and Boney are forced to go to New Pork City by limousine in Chapter 8 of MOTHER 3. They can see some of the city while talking to Lisa, Nichol, and Richie. Then the party checks out the Ferris wheel in the amusement park area. Porky Wheel: Kissing Allowed!

Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, and Boney are forced to go to New Pork City by limousine in Chapter 8 of MOTHER 3. They can see some of the city while talking to Lisa, Nichol, and Richie. Then the party checks out the spinning teacups in the amusement park area. Porky Cups: Say, is your life spinning out of control?

Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, and Boney are forced to go to New Pork City by limousine in Chapter 8 of MOTHER 3. They can see some of the city while talking to Lisa, Nichol, and Richie. Then the party checks out the merry-go-round in the amusement park area. Porky Go Round: Also known as a Pigousel.

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