
Doll Thai-Style Spicy Lobster noodles lunch! / Braxton Berrios plays football?!

RIP, Queen Elizabeth II… age 96! I banned RJ RJ Millan from my Fearsome Canucks fan group for blocking me (the admin) and saying that I was a Satanist-loving piece of shit. The trash took itself out. Of course I messaged Gayle and texted Helen Y. about that!

I actually got someone answering the phone when I called apartment management at 11:10 AM to ask again about my $56 reimbursement for my 32 laundry tokens in the Ziploc bag. Ana says that it’s up to head office, not them, and also asked about a parking spot and my cellphone number so she and Vlad can text me. Apparently, I’m on “the list”… sounds ominous, haha.

I called Chrystal at 11:20 AM at work to kindly extend her an invitation to either the 2022 birthday dinner with friends at Moxie’s or the tentative meal at Metropolis at Metrotown after the 20th with Uncle Peter and Auntie Ying if she thinks she’ll get lost like she did on the way to Felicos Restaurant on September 23, 2018. She did say that this was kind of me, and also remembers that she got lost “last time” – yeah, Moxie’s is even more on the outskirts and boonies of Richmond, but it is inside the Sandman Hotel, so that might be better! She doesn’t know anything about Auntie Ying’s brother, so I planned to call HER later as well.

Then I had to call Royal Bank Customer Service AGAIN because my credit card payment did NOT go through at Coast Capital Savings AGAIN! FUCK THIS SHIT!

Doll Thai-Style Spicy Lobster noodles for lunch!

From TSN: Braxton Berrios plays football?!

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