
NHL Awards, Blackened Creole Chicken at the Cactus Club, pineapple emojis

Jon finally emailed us back 19 hours after MY mass email to say that no, there WASN’T a backup plan for tomorrow’s Dude Chilling Park hangout in case it rains or is cloudy! Iffy weather all week, man! I texted Walter at 9:30 AM to see whether I would have to have money in my Visa credit card account every month for Fido to withdraw from – basically, yes. Ugh, now I have to remember that every month! So I left at 1:05 PM to withdraw $140 from my Coast Capital account to put $125 in my Royal Bank credit card account, BUT THE BALANCE DIDN’T SHOW UP! I had to go to the bank teller, but she didn’t know anything about it and couldn’t get my cash back from the bank account, either. The DAY-TO-DAY bank account is good enough for the autopay.

After calling customer service at the bank and getting through immediately, they didn’t know anything either, but I could change my limit on my credit card! NO UPSELLING! The bank account balance should just show right away for verification purposes. It does that with debit. I got a new teller or manager type who said that because of the Canada Day 2024 long weekend, I’d have to wait until Tuesday or Wednesday for the overpayment to show up in my balance so I could get the cash back. YUCK. Since it was 2:30, I went to the Cactus Club Happy Hour for some Blackened Creole Chicken before getting home at 3:50 PM on another 401.

The 2024-2025 NHL Awards were today at 4 PM! HOCKEY! Ten hit me up on Discord PM to say hi and talk about technology being complicated, credit cards, Pokemon, venting about my credit card banking problems, Crispitos, peanut butter sandwiches, X, X, and X. We also discussed X, X, and X. Nathan sent me a Facebook message saying he’d been sick all week and would not go to Randal’s 50th birthday hangout, so the birthday chips would have to wait. The NEW Coffee Crisp Iced Cappuccino chocolate bar, Seattle Chocolates, and NEW Asian Lays chips x 10 will actually ALL be for Randal then! Asian Lays Meatball Stew or Lion’s Head chips, NEW Asian Lays Abalone Sauce chips, NEW Asian Lays Creamy Lobster chips, Asian Lays Hot and Spicy Braised Duck Tongue chips, NEW Asian Lays Peppercorn Chicken chips, Lobster with Golden Salted Egg Sauce, Hot and Sour Lemon Braised Chicken Feet Flavor, Tom Yum Spicy Hot Pot, Vietnamese Truffle Mushroom MAX, and Vietnamese Bo Wagyu Beefsteak MAX Flavor chips! Jon will get his November 2022 birthday card and Scallops / Texas Tenderloin Steak / Baked Prawn and Melted Cheese / Spicy Hot Pot / Spiced Braised Beef Asian Lays chips. Of course Nathan should feel better soon since health is important!

Blackened Creole Chicken at the Cactus Club for Happy Hour! Creole butter, Cajun spices, buttered mashed potatoes, and roasted asparagus.

Pineapple Discord emote for National Pineapple Day 2024 today on June 27!

Pineapple Facebook emoji reaction for National Pineapple Day 2024 today on June 27!

Pineapple Youtube Google emoji reaction for National Pineapple Day 2024 today on June 27!