
Violating a Facebook rule we haven’t made up yet – 30 days of Facebook JAIL!

Facebook immediately removed TWO of my comments for “trying to get likes, shares, and followers in a misleading way.” What’s so wrong with “introverts are at the job to work, not make friends” and “hey, I said the same thing, but Facebook immediately removed it”?! *rolleyes*

I’ve just now had to enlarge Facebook font size to 110% zoom on my desktop computer to reduce eyestrain. Getting older, man…

Auntie Catherine finally got back to me via WhatsApp saying that Friday, September 15 at 11:30 AM would work for her and Auntie Bessy at Kiraku Sushi. White Eric texted me to say that any date would work for him. Kevin emailed me to thank me for my 2023 birthday dinner invite, but his brother and his wife are coming from Singapore that week and will be in town until the first week of October.

Christon finally emailed to RSVP for Eric’s birthday dinner on the 8th, claiming that he didn’t have time to check emails on a family vacation. Alice has to work that day, so he won’t be able to make it. Jon said that the 17th worked for my 2023 family birthday dinner if we could get a patio somewhere, but he has a music thing on Thursday, September 14th at 7 PM. Therefore, I emailed Cousin Winnie to give her a heads-up. Ten hit me up on Discord PM so we could discuss talking horses, REN AND STIMPY, the Food Ranger, puns, jokes, hamburger steak patties with mushroom gravy, chorizo, pot pies, SOUTH PARK, fancy Cactus Club restrooms, dolphins, and orcas.

I totally just lied to Auntie Ying on the phone, saying I’d be going to bed at 9:30 PM. Tried calling her recently. She said she was in the middle of dinner, so to call back in 15 minutes. I called back in an hour to get voicemail. Then I called back AGAIN just now, meaning she’s in the middle of mah-jonng. No, I’m not calling AGAIN in an hour just to set up our 2023 birthday lunch. Let’s just get it done NOW because I’m an introvert and DON’T LIKE ENDLESS PHONE CALLS. She let me choose, since her September is apparently all booked already. Saturday, October 7 works for me. Metrotown food court at 12 noon!

This Facebook jail warning is from Gayle. “Warning: You have violated a rule we haven’t made up yet. Because you’re a known troublemaker, you’re banned for 30 days. Thank you for using Facebook. Have a nice day. Continue.” Being me, I had to edit in proper punctuation using MS Paint, THE WAY IT SHOULD BE!

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