
Randal’s 49th birthday at Grano Pizzeria! / Big Mac pizza / Italian doughnut

Pizzeria Grano website!

Ten sent me a lengthy Discord message at 4:30 AM, so I elected to just discuss smoky weather and the Grano Pizzeria website with Phil instead at 7:15 AM pre-coffee. Less brainpower needed, and I’d always be there – plus actual acknowledgement is nice. So of course I sent my food photos to Phil first since he’s cool. He said that I’d made some banger choices, hahaha.

After DOUBLE COFFEE TIME AND SHOWER TIME, Eric M. gave me a ride to Grano Pizzeria and 12 Kings Pub at 5:25 PM for Randal’s 49th birthday celebration in the HOT WEATHER. I judged my neighbor for wearing a winter coat to dump her things in the dumpster. I had a NEW Caribbean-inspired President’s Choice World of Flavors Pineapple / Banana / Passionfruit 70% dark chocolate bar, a NEW Middle Eastern-inspired President’s Choice World of Flavors Pistachio / Rose Flavor / Sea Salt white chocolate bar, and a NEW Colombian-inspired President’s Choice World of Flavors Caramelized Cocoa Nibs and Coffee 52% dark chocolate bar. Also had a NEW Indian-inspired President’s Choice World of Flavors Mango and Cardamom 70% dark chocolate bar, the President’s Choice Loads of Fruit and Nuts milk chocolate bar (almonds / hazelnuts / cranberries), the President’s Choice Loads of Gummies and Candies milk chocolate bar (blackcurrant / raspberries / blackberries / candy drops), the President’s Choice Loads of Movie Night milk chocolate bar (roasted salted corn / popcorn), the President’s Choice Loads of Birthday Cake white chocolate bars x2 (sprinkles / meringue pieces), and a birthday card with a cat on the front for Randal in a huge Ziploc bag AND a reusable bag. (yes, of course he could keep both bags) I was STILL getting updates on the birthday email thread from Christon on the way there after we got stuck behind a big Ford Ranger which REFUSED to move for two minutes – Jesus!

When we got to the pizzeria, Jon wanted me to sit with his Downtown Eastside buddies Jay and Chris INSTEAD of him / Christon / Nathan / Eric. The only problems were that Chris talks a lot, and Jay had evidently never heard of a shower OR deodorant, especially when it’s hot outside! Jesus Christ, is that what Evadng and Morgana subject everyone else to?! Damn, I’m glad I don’t know them in real life! I had to break out my peppermint oil in front of everyone, too! Randal directed my attention to the Big Mac pizza on the specials board, so we both had one each. (I also had an exclusive Triple Berry Italian doughnut) We discussed Caleb and Rebecca having a baby in December (Uncle Stanley and Auntie Vonnie will be happy!), Josh suddenly moving to Nova Scotia, Nathan being Randal’s catsitter, blogging, Havarti dying last May, Steph and Lisa moving to Ottawa in July, Randal’s cats, Winnipeg being called Winterpeg, getting lost in Richmond, the Vancouver International Film Festival, a cinema festival, MEN IN BLACK, a Japanese film involving a transgender girlfriend, and more.

Nathan showed up later with some expired Wendy’s coupons and other actual birthday gifts like a cat-themed fan. Jon said that Ayler had gotten into the youth orchestra after his cello audition – awesome! Eric and I opined that we were staying far away from the Steveston Salmon Festival on Canada Day tomorrow – it’s too crowded and the “special event” buses are too far out. We also did not join the guys OR Jon’s other friend Erik for 12 Kings pub, since I at least wanted to get home early. Turns out his parents went to the Flying Beaver for a dinner date tonight, which is cool. I said I’d gotten together with Phil’s parents yesterday once he mentioned the escalator photo – yes, I’d found the elevator! Got home at 8:15 PM after joking about Google Maps and U-turns, which is infinitely awesome! We passed a place called “Moar Music” – UGH! NO NETSPEAK!

A special Big Mac pizza with regular vegetarian cheese for Randal’s birthday at Pizzeria Grano! I sent this to Phil on Discord PM.

A Triple Berry Italian doughnut for Randal’s birthday at Pizzeria Grano! I sent this to Phil on Discord PM.

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