
25 funny sarcastic disappointing life affirmations from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz!

Edit at 10 PM: I finally called Auntie Ying, and she said that Joyce’s sister JOANNA DIED AT AGE 31?! JESUS CHRIST. Of course she had to make it all religious and mentioned her parents James and Cecilia. Jon said, “Wow” and white Eric confirmed because he plays OVERWATCH with Joyce and Cordia sometimes, and watched the very sad funeral on Youtube. Auntie Ying also said that she has a huge family reunion coming up from May 3 to May 31, and is already stressed because she offered to let her sister stay over. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? Her brother and sister-in-law are coming from Hong Kong, her sister is coming, and a lot of people are going to be around. She thinks the nearby park put up their canopy because God told them to do that. *rolleyes* Uh, no, they did that because of the sunny weather. She also mentioned that Uncle Lewis, Auntie Kathy, and Chrystal all had Covid – FUCK.

25 funny sarcastic disappointing life affirmations from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz!

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: Prioritize your mental health. Schedule your meltdowns in advance.

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: One day, you will die. Until then, you’ll just have to settle for being dead inside.

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: Always remember: Whenever someone asks how you are, just make up a lie like “I’m good.” No one wants to hear about your problems.

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: It’s never too late to change. So just wait until you absolutely have to.

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: Every failure is a success when you self-sabotage.

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: You’re doing the best that you can. Which is pretty sad.

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: Just be yourself. But less you. Diet You.

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: Today, I will work on not hating myself. I will hate everyone else instead.

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: Your feelings are valid. Just maybe have less of them.

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: Today, I am only saying YES to things that spark joy. Like saying no.

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: Don’t. Give up.

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: Why do something right away when you can wait until it gives you a panic attack?

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: Stop paying so much attention to what other people say. Most people are fucking idiots.

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: You are not alone. People are literally everywhere. With their stupid problems and shitty attitudes. You only WISH you were alone.

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: Not every day is precious. Waste today. You deserve it.

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: Let go of what doesn’t serve you. Like your standards. I mean, who the fuck do you think you are?

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: It gets easier. Eventually, you just stop giving a fuck.

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: Is it really love or are they just someone you met online and trauma-dumped all over?

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: Have a meltdown. As a treat.

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: No one is coming to save you. You are the adult. I am so sorry.

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: Disappointed? That’s what you get for expecting things.

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: The only person you can truly rely on is you. What a fucking nightmare.

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: Don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t do. That’s a job for your insecurities.

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: Stop worrying about what other people think. I mean, have you met other people? They’re awful.

Disappointing life affirmation from Lazy Rabbit and Spoz: Do something nice for someone today. Leave them alone. Life is hard enough without your bullshit.

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