
Limited-edition Sam Adams White Christmas / Old Fezziwig beer

Travis, Carol B., and Mary C. unfriended me yesterday; FINE, THEN! Mike dropped by for two minutes at 10:10 last night to FINALLY return my passport, drop off the refilled sugar and some limited-edition Sam Adams White Christmas / Old Fezziwig beer for us to have later (not when he got back home), and take a Parmesan cheese container home with him on the way to the airport to pick up his mom and Robert. I gave him his souvenir blue XXL Hong Kong skyline shirt, and asked whether he still loved me even if he spent more time with Krista. We did kiss goodbye while he wanted to talk later since he had to go. I suppose so… we also talked about our reading messages, haha. At least I read and answer mine, unlike HIM with a message I sent him the other night! Ugh, so unreliable!

By the time I got up this morning, Barry had already called me twice about the tickets for tonight’s Pathways Xmas dinner, so I called him back to learn that he would drop mine off later in the morning. Okay, that’s fine.

Limited-edition Sam Adams White Christmas ale!

Limited-edition Sam Adams Old Fezziwig ale!

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