
The end of hockey season means catching up on neglected things! / I love hockey!

Today is the end of Passover 2023. Jeremy emailed me back about his health – poor guy! The Canucks played Arizona at 7 tonight in their last game of the 2022-2023 NHL season… it was 4-1 for us, then they forced overtime, and WE WON 5-4 ON GARLAND’S FIRST HAT TRICK! Talked to Phil about upcoming plans as well. FARM!

This ecard is from Mikki: The moment you realize that the end of hockey season means you have to catch up on everything you’ve neglected since September. QUIRKY DAY COINCIDENCE since April 13, 2023 is the end of the regular 2022-2023 NHL season!

I love hockey WHITE PATCH!

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