
MIKE STILL HAS MY PASSPORT?! / Darren Haywood / Chinese Eric / Ro-Tel tomatoes with Mexican Rice

Mike sent me an FB message last night to say that he realized that my passport was still inside his mom’s car, so he made a note to himself to return it before picking his mom and Robert up from the airport later today. That made me realize in turn that his blue Hong Kong skyline XXL shirt is still here, so he can have that as well. Of course, HE’S NOT HERE YET! UGH. Darren Haywood added me to Facebook – DENIED! (he looks like a douche and moron, anyway)

Then Chinese Eric emailed me later that night to see whether I wanted to hang out here and watch the Canucks play Calgary on the 20th. I already told him that I wasn’t really available since I normally get home after 7 (the game time) on Saturdays now, but I’ll figure out a way to leave Awana early in the afternoon, and I don’t even care if Mike is available or not! Actually, it’s better if he isn’t… and he’s not! At least I used the Ro-Tel tomatoes with jalapeno / habanero peppers for my dinner of Mexican Rice, and I banned Krista from all future road trips since she talks too much! It’s too bad that Mike never got a chance to eat them, but he should have been more on the ball!

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