
New toilet flusher! No more 90 seconds! / MOOD RING TOILET SEAT!

At 6:30 AM, I was using a bucket to flush the toilet because the flusher was not just slow – it didn’t work! GHETTO! An official Amacon management plumber stopped by this time at 8:40 AM after I dropped another maintenance request form into the box at the lobby an hour before. The toilet flusher thing was definitely broken. Got a brand-new replacement. No more waiting 90 seconds between flushes! That was very tedious when it came to pooping! Definitely borked, and definitely improving my time! WHAT AN IMPROVEMENT! I can live with the actual toilet water being very low in the toilet itself as long as it doesn’t impact my flushing flow.

From Yup, That Exists: Company creates “mood ring” toilet seat that changes color based on the “mood” of your butt.

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